Welcome to Tamlyn Cairns Partnership
Tamlyn Cairns Partnership is a collaboration between Claire Cairns Associates Ltd. and Richard Tamlyn Ltd. For the last decade we have led a small team of experienced associates to deliver high quality consultancy services to the public sector.
Our primary area of interest is the intersection between health and justice services, in the main this is supporting NHS England Health & Justice Teams. Our work currently involves delivering innovative health and social care needs assessments (HSCNAs) also equality and health inequality impact assessments (EHIAs); undertaking service reviews, service audits, developing service specifications and supporting procurement for Health & Justice services. We have developed a credible reputation in the Health & Justice field in a number of regions and also at national level as a result of the breadth and quality of our work.
As a small team, at the heart of our philosophy is a commitment to meaningful engagement with people who have lived experience of the criminal justice system.