Meet the Tamlyn Cairns Team

Claire Cairns MSc(Dist), BMus(H), PRINCE2 Practitioner


A former Police Officer and Substance Misuse Commissioner, Claire has 28 years of experience working in the criminal justice field, of which the last 20 years has been spent running an independent consultant service working primarily with prisons, police forces, mental health trusts and immigration services. Claire’s strong academic credentials includes two degrees, the later being an MSC awarded with distinction. Claire has a special interest in Liaison & Diversion and has been supporting L&D services since 2014 (as the Northern lead for the Offender Health Collaborative), working closely with the national team in the early development of the programme.Claire is based in Yorkshire, and frequently attends regional and national events as a guest speaker and has developed a strong reputation in her field.


Rich Tamlyn MA, BA(H), CQSW, PRINCE2 Practitioner


Rich is a qualified social worker. He pioneered drug treatment services in prison; working in prisons for over a decade, he went on to work for MOJ developing drug and alcohol services before becoming a freelance. Rich leads on most of our prison and SARC work. Rich is based in Devon.


Jen Morris BSc(H)

Data Analyst

With a background in performance monitoring and data analysis, Jen has been working with Rich and Claire for over ten years. Jen leads on data collection and analysis for all our projects, drawing on a range of sources including published data, bespoke SystmOne reports, NDTMS, SARCIPs, LDIPs, individual provider data systems and a wealth of comparative data from our previous projects. Jen also collates and analyses written service user feedback for many of our projects.


Dr Anthony Hewitt PhD, MSc (Dist.), MA (Merit), M. Phil, Post-Grad Dip. Counselling, cert. Mgt., BSc(H)


Dr. Anthony Hewitt has forty years’ experience working in the areas of Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice as a consultant, commissioner, operational manager at all levels up to director, researcher, and practitioner. Much of this has been focused on the interface between health and criminal justice, particularly in prisons and other secure settings. Special interests are substance misuse, psychosocial interventions, service development and multi-disciplinary partnerships.


Nichola Cadet BA(H), MsSc


University lecturer and freelance social policy and criminal justice consultant offering research, evaluation, training and strategic development to the voluntary and community sector and the public sector. Employability, placement and TEF lead for criminology.

Specialties: Offender health including health needs assessments, procurement, Criminal Justice System particularly older people within the CJS Substance Misuse.


Elaine Andrews RGN, BSc(H), BA


Elaine is a registered general nurse with a background in safeguarding, domestic homicide reviews and patient safety. She is a qualified best interest assessor, a role cited in the Mental Capacity Act 2005. She is also is an independent professional nurse advisor and a clinical reviewer, undertaking death in custody reviews in the Midlands, North West, Yorkshire & Humber and East of England regions.  Elaine  is based in North Yorkshire.

Tracy Wilson


A former NHSE Health & Justice Commissioner with 25+ years in administration and project management. Tracy has worked within the NHS for over 20 years in a variety of roles and departments with significant experience in and understanding of the health and justice portfolio.

Barbara Mitchell RGN, BA(H), SCPHN


Barbara is a Registered General Nurse, Registered Health Visitor, Community Practice Educator (Specialist Community Public Health Nursing) a Best Interest Assessor and a LeDeR Reviewer (Learning from lives and deaths – People with a learning disability and autistic people).

Specialties: Safeguarding Children, Adults, Maternity, Mental Health Services and Looked after Children. Offender health – including death in custody clinical reviews. Health and social care needs assessments – including secure children’s homes and SARCS.

Des McMorrow


Des has been a Registered Nurse for 36 years. He has worked in various clinical roles, senior management, and Deputy Director posts in forensic mental health, learning disabilities and community services. Des has extensive experience in the fields of patient safety and safeguarding. He undertakes death in custody clinical reviews working with the Prison & Probation Ombudsman (PPO). Des has been a Clinical Advisor to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and have recently been appointed as an expert witness for CQC. He is an Independent Chair of Care & Treatment Reviews for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. He is also Chair Fitness to Practise Panels on behalf of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and Health Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Sue Swidrak

Proof Reader

Sue has worked in a broad range of communications roles across the public, private, and third sectors. Her experience and expertise includes both the written and the spoken word; from producing marketing, publicity and media materials, to bespoke copywriting, editing and proof reading, and delivering insightful and impactful training on subjects as diverse as enterprise and employability, presentation skills, and most recently, modern slavery awareness, risk assessment and compliance.


Ali Tamlyn BA(H), CQSW, PGCE

Project Support and Proof Reader

Alison has been a social worker, probation officer, and primary school teacher. She has also held a customer service role within retail. Additionally she has worked in a voluntary capacity within schools, for a charity and currently at a local Foodbank. She has recently obtained qualifications in suicide awareness and prevention, and mental health first aid. She has worked within the TC partnership managing data requests, collating prisoner survey information and proof reading.